Technical Marketing
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RSS - a news feed that just won't go away

David Brooks  17.08.2016

Social media has given new life to the term news feed.

Just about 10 years ago in this blog I wrote   is RSS about to take off as a marketing tool? We had been offering RSS  to clients for 2 years or so by then, but it never really got a mass following despite being a neat technology. And like many other clever ideas it seemed doomed to stay just that - a neat idea. One thing that persuaded us was that the  the BBC was using RSS    and it is still carried on their news sites now.

Last year I  wrote about RSS again, asking  is RSS about to make a come back?  Perhaps it has found a niche. The explanation provided by the BBC says it all really. It allows you to view the latest additions to web sites you are interested in - all in one place.

Great idea in a busy world. May be RSS  will still be going in another 10 years! .

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